approved by unicorns

photos: Mandy Foudoulaki

location: Port of Piraeus, Athens, Greece

Pink is most girls' favourite colour. We all get obsessed with it for at least once in our entire life. Normally this happens during our childhood, as we get influenced by Barbie or as teens. Then there is a period we completely hate it and after a while, we go back to liking or having neutral feelings for it. Whatever the situation, when you get to see that pink skirt your eyes just automatically stick to that and it's like there's nothing else you can see. Due to its special material, I believe you have to style it carefully in order to look good and stylish. I had chosen to wear a total pink outfit and create an "all pink everything" picture, but decided to make it a bit more rock and sporty by wearing my leather jacker and my pink/black vans. What do you think?

top: h&m • skirt: h&m • shoes: vans • leather jacket: vintage • sunglasses: toyshades • necklace: h&m